
View previous quotations by other customers.

"There is no greater glory for a man than that which he achieves by his own hands and feet."

"The imagined community of millions seems more real as a team of eleven named people."
Hobsbawm, Eric

"Football can be categorised as a type three masturbatory technique."
Hite, Shere

"It is not just a simple game. It is a weapon of the revolution"
Guevara, Che

"Football is an art"
Greer, Germaine

"Football is a matter of creativity and imagination"
Ginola, David

"Football is working class ballet."
Garnett, Alf

"I am a winner. People think I'm mad. On the pitch I hate all opponents. I don?t give a damn."
Friday, Robin

"The game replaces sexual enjoyment by pleasure in movement"

"We played until it was dark. I dreamt of becoming a professional footballer."
Derrida, Jacques
