
View previous quotations by other customers.

"When we intend to move paralysed limbs to the right, on the contrary they move to the left."

"I stood on my balcony and urged them not to accept an incomplete victory."
Trotsky, Leon

"It's only a game but it's life and death to me"
Vialli, Gianluca

"The joy of seeing Yuri Gagarin flying in space is only superseded by the joy of a good penalty save"
Yashin, Lev

"Football is my passport"
Wright, Billy

"Rugby is a game for barbarians played by gentlemen. Football is a game for gentlemen played by barbarians."
Wilde, Oscar

"Football is a game for rough girls. Not suitable for delicate boys."
Wilde, Oscar

"Football gives a suffering people joy"

"Football is my religion"
Wallace, Jock

"You have to be strong in March when the fish are down"
Vialli, Gianluca
