D-Day 80th Anniversary

  • D-Day Overlord

    D-Day Overlord

    80th ANNIVERSARY LIMITED EDITION  Sleeveprint: D-Day against Fascism 6 June 1944 'Overlord' was the codename for the Battle of Normandy launched with the Allies' successful amphibious landings…
  •  D-Day Normandy Beaches

    D-Day Normandy Beaches

    80th ANNIVERSARY LIMITED EDITION  Sleeveprint: D-Day against Fascism 6 June 1944 6th June 1944, D-Day and the beginning of the end for Nazi-occupied western and northern Europe. The five Norma…
  • D-Day Invasion Stripes

    D-Day Invasion Stripes

    80th ANNIVERSARY LIMITED EDITION  Sleeveprint: D-Day against Fascism 6 June 1944 Our unique 'Invasion Stripes' design features the special, temporary markings carried by allied aircraft takin…
  • D-Day French Resistance

    D-Day French Resistance

    80th ANNIVERSARY LIMITED EDITION  Sleeveprint: D-Day against Fascism 6 June 1944 The Forces Française de l'intérieur (FFI) in 1944 unified all the French Resistance groups including th…